Learn how an FHSA can help you save for a mortgage.
Existing members can apply online for a personal loan up to $20,000. Simply log in to online banking, click Account Services and Apply for Loan.
Affordable private coverage, Autoplan, and local expertise
We'll get you going and save you money with optional car insurance coverage through Canada's largest private insurance companies.
Insurance for vehicle and boat owners to protect you from collision, damage and other perils.
Eligible ICBC personal auto insurance policies can be renewed on ICBC's website. You can complete your coverage and policy details, pay, and print your documents when it's convenient for you. Learn more.
Eligible ICBC personal auto insurance policies expiring on or after May 1, 2022 can now be renewed online. If you choose early renewal, the new online tool is available as soon as March 17th.
Need to renew your Autoplan or have any other ICBC-related needs that could use one of our experts? Book a phone or in-person appointment and avoid waiting on hold. Here’s how to do it:
Get the best protection without compromising on cost. Our insurance experts will help ensure you're protected with mandatory basic coverage through Autoplan. For extra coverage, we have affordable options to fit every need.
Auto insurance features:
Extra ways to save money through:
Extra ways to save money through:
Lower premiums
Low deductibles
Credit scoring discounts
Plus, single accident forgiveness to protect your safe driver discount
Affordable coverage for your two and three-wheeler. Did you know that your helmet and accessories can also be covered, while professional training is rewarded?
Motorcycle insurance features:
What's way easier than folding a road map? How about getting flexible coverage for your RV, motorhome or travel trailer — with options to ensure your smooth road trip.
Recreational vehicle insurance features:
Whether you're skipping a yacht, sailboat or dinghy, every boat owner needs worry-free coverage. Plus, access discounts related to experience, claims-free status and more.
Boat & pleasure craft insurance features:
It can be difficult understanding insurance, nevermind knowing if you're getting the best price. We're here to help make things easier, simpler and more affordable, including:
Chat online
Chat online with an insurance representative to assess your needs and help you save
Visit an insurance location
Visit us at one of our 16 island insurance locations to assess your needs and help you save
Talk with us
An insurance representative is standing by to assess your needs and help you save
We’ve got you covered with our new online insurance portal & mobile app. Take care of your insurance needs whenever and wherever with Insurance Connect.
Insurance Connect lets you:
*Not available for ICBC Autoplan.
*Home, vehicle, marine and travel insurance services provided through Coastal Community Insurance Services (2007) Ltd., an affiliate of Coastal Community Credit Union.
** Life, Health disability and critical illness insurance services offered through Coastal Community Financial Management Inc.
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