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Existing members can apply online for a personal loan up to $20,000. Simply log in to online banking, click Account Services and Apply for Loan.
Guaranteed rates without long-term commitment
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A place to park short-term funds, this 90-day term deposit has guaranteed rates and comes with the option to convert to a different term deposit at any time.
Are not sure which term deposit is the right choice for you
Want to receive higher interest than a savings account offers
Would like to take advantage of rising interest rates
Not sure where to invest your short-term funds? Choose this product to earn a guaranteed rate with the option to convert to a different term deposit.
90-Day Convertible Term Deposit Features:
Maximum flexibility — Convertible to another term deposit at any time
Minimum Deposit — Open this non-redeemable term deposit with as little as $500
Save on taxes — Eligible for RRSP, TFSA, RESP, RDSP and RRIF
90-Day Convertible
90-Day Convertible
Talk to an advisor to get the right deposit
Term deposits are a great investment tool. We'll help you determine what term deposit fits your savings goals, including:
Saving for a short-term or longer term goal
Needing access to the funds
Getting the best rate available
Let one of Island-based experts help.
Take me to a term deposit that:
Products, features, are subject to change without notice. All rates are quoted per annum, unless otherwise notes.
In the event of a discrepancy between the rates posted on this website and the official rates posted in our branches, that latter shall prevail.
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