Learn how an FHSA can help you save for a mortgage.
Existing members can apply online for a personal loan up to $20,000. Simply log in to online banking, click Account Services and Apply for Loan.
The perfect choice if you're looking for a flexible longer-term investment with guaranteed escalating rates. Plus, if your goals change, you can redeem your money on the anniversary dates.
Want more interest each and
every year
Want to be able to withdraw funds
on each anniversary
Want to lock in a longer term to
get a higher rate
With this flexible term deposit, your interest rate climbs each year so you can watch your investment grow while keeping convenient access to your money.
Rate Climber Term Deposit Features:
Escalating rates — You always have a competitive rate as it increases each and every year
Choice of term — This term deposit features the choice of 3 or 5 year terms
Higher longer term rates — The longer the term, the more you earn with this choice
Each access to your money — This term deposit is fully or partially cashable on each anniversary
Talk to an advisor to get the right term deposit
Term deposits are a great investment tool. We'll help you determine what term deposit fits your savings goals, including:
Saving for a short-term or longer term goal
Needing access to the funds
Getting the best rate available
Let one of Island-based experts help.
Take me to a term deposit that:
Products, features and rates are subject to change without notice. All rates are quoted per annum, unless otherwise noted.
In the event of a discrepancy between the rates posted on this website and the official rates posted in our branches, the latter shall prevail.
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