Learn how an FHSA can help you save for a mortgage.
Existing members can apply online for a personal loan up to $20,000. Simply log in to online banking, click Account Services and Apply for Loan.
Your business receivables on autopilot
Convenient and cost-effective payment automation for things like subscriptions, memberships and strata fees or outgoing payments like payroll.
Enhance your customer experience,simplify your cash flow and get back to what’s important.
Automated Funds Transfer features:
Saves time
You run the software, which means greater efficiencies
Get more flexibility and control over incoming and outgoing payments
Saves money
Automation eliminates the costs associated with cheques (ordering, clearing, etc.)
Improves security
Reduce the risk of lost, stolen or forged cheques
It's easier than you think! Get the Automated Funds Transfer in four easy steps:
Step 1: Contact your branch to speak to a Business Services Manager
Step 2: Discuss and provide user information and sign a contract
Step 3: Input UserID in the secure online program to complete the process
Step 4: Enter your banking information for debit and credit processing online
It’s important that your business is ready for the payment methods of today while preparing for those of tomorrow. These include:
Contactless acceptance
Digital currency conversion
Ecommerce payments
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