Learn how an FHSA can help you save for a mortgage.
Existing members can apply online for a personal loan up to $20,000. Simply log in to online banking, click Account Services and Apply for Loan.
January 13, 2020 3 minute read
New car, kitchen reno or family vacation on the horizon? Learn the best way to save for them.
Good financial health has a lot to do with anticipating what’s ahead and planning accordingly. Just as important as your long-term savings goals are the needs that you hope to fulfill in the next few years. Think new car, kitchen re-haul or tropical vacation. If you can plan ahead for them, you’re less likely to tap into other payment sources like a high interest credit card or an investment that’s meant for another need (an RRSP for example).
Here’s our 4-step strategy for saving for short-term needs:
Following these steps will not only get you to your short-term goals faster, it’ll also get you into the habit of saving. The beauty of habits is that they become second-nature, a custom that’s so deeply ingrained that you don’t give it much thought. In short, it makes something like saving easy, and that’s all you can hope for in today’s high-demand world.
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