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November 7, 2019 6 min read
Businesses, like individuals, need an emergency fund for leaner times. Financial health-wise, it’s one of the best things you can do.
A major customer goes bust, owing you money and creating a potential cash flow problem for the short- and long-term. You’ve got suppliers to pay, a wage bill to cover, and a family to feed. Now what?
When you’re buried deep in the day-to-day running of things, it can be hard to step back and consider how your business would cope if an unforeseen event hits your livelihood. It’s also understandable if, especially during your start-up years when every dollar counts, you might be reluctant to squirrel away money that could be working hard elsewhere.
However, if the worst does happen, and your business income suffers for days, weeks or even months, you’ll be glad you have a pot of easily-accessible cash on hand.
Any number of nasty surprises can hit a business. Here are some of the most common ones:
Having some cash in reserve can help you keep your business running, maintain your cash flow, reduce the need to take on emergency debt and recover quickly.Think back to the worst-case scenario at the start of this article.
An emergency fund could help you maintain positive cash flow and cover the short-term loss from unpaid invoices. With an eye on the longer-term, you could also afford to ramp up your marketing efforts to try to replace the customer you lost. Creating an emergency fund is also simply a good way to save some more money for a rainy day. If the worst doesn’t happen, you’ll still have a tidy sum tucked away.
Successfully creating an emergency fund is all about good saving habits. Here’s how to get started:
Here on Vancouver Island, we’re well aware of being prepared for the “Big One.” A contingency fund is as important to your business as an earthquake preparedness kit is to your home.
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