Applying for a loan online? How to make it faster and simpler
January 17, 2020 2 minute read
Plus, we answer the 'what happens after I apply' question
January 17, 2020 2 minute read
Plus, we answer the 'what happens after I apply' question
In the amount of time (or less!) that it takes to watch your favorite sitcom, you can apply for a Coastal Community loan online. It’s easy to make the process faster and simpler—just make sure you have some necessary information on hand first.
What to have on hand before you apply
Ready to apply online? Login to online banking to have your application autofilled. Or access any of our loan applications below:
What happens next?
Once you submit your completed application, our experts will follow up within one business day based on your contact preference (phone or email) to confirm the application was received and to discuss next steps. From start to finish, we can set up your loan, get your signature and answer any of your questions without having you come into a branch. Of course, if you prefer to connect with us in-person at any time during the process, we have over 20 locations. And we love a good conversation!
Not a Coastal Community member?
You don’t need to be to fill in a loan application. But the time will come when you’ll need to be a member. That’s where our Get Your Share promotion comes in—become a new member of ours and in appreciation, we’ll deposit $200 into your Coastal Community account. Full details here.
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