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Learn 5 budgeting mistakes to spot and how to find the right budgeting method for you.
August 2023 5 min read
Budgeting is a powerful way to master your spending and take the stress out of your finances. Not only does it ensure your money goes where it needs to, it also helps free up cash for the things you really enjoy. The key is to ensure you create the right budget for you.
That can seem daunting but, don’t worry, we’re going to make it a lot easier by helping you avoid all the common pitfalls other budgeters have come across.
Step 1 – Finding the right budgeting method
Building and sticking to a budget gets a lot easier when it fits your life. We all have different priorities and ways of doing things. Trying to be a detail-oriented tracker when you like things simple or using an advanced method when you’re just starting out will likely only lead to frustration and a discarded budget.
The good news is that there’s a method out there for every need. All you have to do is explore your budgeting options to find the right one for you.
Discover your money personality
Take our quick quiz to better understand how your personality affects your financial habits, so you can pick exactly the right budget for you.
5 budgeting mistakes to spot
Although rewarding, budgeting can be tricky to master at first. So don’t feel discouraged if you forgot to factor in an infrequent expense or an unexpected cost throws things off sometimes. It happens to the best of us. The important thing is to keep going – and if you have questions, aren’t sure how to fix an issue or simply want help starting out, our experts are just a quick chat away.
Additional Resources:
Budgeting 101
Get caught up on how to catch up
Lifting the debt weight
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