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Did your family have a special code word or phrase to keep you safe as a child? This simple safety method can help you and your family to prevent impersonation fraud
November 6, 2023 2 minute read
There has been an increase in scams where the scammer will pretend to be a close family member and claim they are having an emergency. With the introduction of AI technology, a stranger might convincingly impersonate you using video or audio, resulting in thousands of dollars in fraud losses. The desire to help your friends and family can be very strong, but it is critical to be sure you’re really speaking with your loved one before you send money. A code word is one of the simplest, quickest methods to verify them.
A code word is limited only by your imagination. Choose something memorable and difficult to guess. An inside joke, a shared memory, or old family wisdom might result in the perfect, unguessable challenge.
A simple challenge might look like this:
‘Before I send the money, what’s the code word?’ ‘Tulips’
Or, you could have a challenge phrase. Where each person must remember their own piece. With this method, a scammer will never know why they failed.
“How is your garden coming along?” “The tulips are sixteen feet tall!”
If the caller fails the challenge, hang up and call or text them at their normal phone number. These simple steps will help to keep both your bank account and your loved ones safe.
Learn more about protecting yourselfAdditional Resources:
Report Fraud
Setting Up Alerts to Prevent Fraud
Beware of CRA Impersonation Scams
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